A Portrait of Toba Tek Singh

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  Name: P Louis Goodwin

  Register number: 20SJCCC341

When it comes to creative expression or presentation, I usually think out of the box and do things that is not done by many. The creative expression I’ve chosen was a series of comics sketches with a narration. Comics has the power to spread any message in an effective way. In fact, comics can be easily understood to people of any category i.e from the smallest kid to an aged person. I felt that many of us would feel it more interesting to read a comic instead of reading story which is completely textual. To be honest comic can never make the reader bored of reading it, though the story is a bit dry , with its funny images and dialogues. I felt this mode of creativity would make the story even more interesting while watching it and on the other hand narration plays a major part in my work because I felt that instead of the reading the story, why not they hear it. Secondly pencils sketches is the most important part of my work. My work is not a comic with pictures from google or any other means, but then it is my own art, my own imagination of characters looks and likes. As the saying goes, “ A pictures speaks a thousand words ” , my picturization of characters and incidents in the form of a sketch and the detailing I’ve given to each sketch would justify that no words or paragraphs would have conveyed this efficiently. So a mixture of comics, pencil sketches and narration would have a good impact over the viewers.

History is just a tale or a story which has occurred in the past. It is unlike other subjects wherein we need proofs and evidence to prove it. on the other hand this is historical reimagination, wherein we are creating or imagining a history which neither occurred nor is about to happen, so it would be too difficult to make the readers or the viewers understand our point of view as they have no knowledge about that. So it is very much important to express or present our work in a creative way or in a way that would attract the viewers/ readers. I would assure that if a history is in textual basis and the reader is asked to read the dry, lengthy texts and paragraphs, it would be similar to hypnotizing them. As my creative expression is comics sketches, the reader would effectively get involved in the story through the images and pencil sketches, and will the feel the way how the creator might have felt while doing the work.

My story revolves around Toba Tek Singh who was a scholar and a man of honour. He was an educated person and was respected by many in the vicinity. He also took part  in the freedom struggle and fought for Indian independence. As he was well versed in politics, he easily attracted a huge crowd with a short span of time as he spoke reason and the crowd followed him blindly. He had a friend called Bishan Singh who was also a great patriot like him and a freedom fighter. The masses respected them equally. However there were few politicians who were not happy with the growing masses. These politicians were zamindars and rich lords who plotted to rule India after the British and hence they were well connected with the British. The impact created by Toba Tek Singh and Bishan Singh worried them and angered them. After India’s independence Toba Tek Singh’s community emerged as the most powerful and revolutionary community led by Toba and Bishan. later Toba came up with a new mission of ONE NATION and Seeked for unity between the Indians. Toba had a huge mass of people following him which made him a potential leader and a ruler actually. This made the corrupt officials and the landlords fear. And at that point of time India and Pakistan weren’t two different countries. But there were talks going on for partition of India and Pakistan which made Pakistan a Muslim country leaving behind all the Hindus and other religions back in India. Toba was always against casteism and religion. He was against partition, but the  other politicians resented this and assassinated him, which angered Bishan a lot and made him protest aggressively. Their followers were also infuriated by the death of their leader starting reacting violently. Bishan Singh in remembrance of his lost friend, named he huge crowd after him. The politicians feared him and were hesitant to kill him fearing the infuriated mob. They regarded him as mentally unstable citing the reason as overturning the people against the government and creating chaos. Within a few days after Bishan Singh was admitted to the mental asylum, the government initiated the partition of India. Later when the lunatics were exchanged between the two countries, Bishan escaped and later not knowing where Toba Tek Singh is as the entire community was scattered due to partition, falls on the ground which is neither India nor Pakistan, in distress and breathed his last.

The future i.e  the present could have been entirely different if the politicians had paved way for Toba’s community keeping aside their jealousy and greed for power. By now we would have seen a vibrant corrupt-free political party who would have worked for the wellness of the country, if not Toba Tek Singh was killed

                                                                                                   Thank you


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