The Missing Land

Name: Agnes J Samantha

 Reg No : 20SJCCC372

Class : 1 B.Com D



 independence was the most necessary thing back at that time. It was the darkest part in the whole history. The pain, the struggle, the sorrow, everything was just so painful. People lost their lives, their home, their dear ones. Yet freedom was important to the rest of the people, to the generations to come. Though we got freedom from an undertaking we faced hatred, and still facing hatredness with another country. The partition which took place between India and Pakistan kind off gave rise to another kind of chaos and moreover disappointment among the people. Both the government took decisions based on their advantages and did not have much concern about the people who lived there, Lahore which was a part of India was decided to be a part of Pakistan so people from that part who were mainly Sikhs had to travel to India.

Though we got freedom yet there was a lot of pain, people had to migrate, leave the asylum behind, and the exchange of people took place at the Wagah border, where one man named Bishan Singh who was a Sikh inmate and hailed from Toba Tek Singh, wanted to return to his hometown but was not sure whether it laid in Pakistan or in India.

The above image depicts Bishan Singh who is in search of Toba Tek Singh.   where he had left back his whole family and everything. He is not sure what has to be done whether to stay back in Pakistan or move to India coz none of them surrounding him helped him out to figure out where Toba Tek Singh.   was. It would have been better if the partition did not take place at all, everyone would have stayed in peace with the freedom gained and the partition mostly took place after two-three years of getting freedom. And this was not necessary to the lunatics.

The image simple depicts that which way Bishan Singh has to take, the world is filled with only competitive tasks for us, we cannot think of what is going to happen to us. There are two ways to find out the right path but nothing is supporting, the time he has is not enough, the technology back then…. He had to find Toba Tek Singh.   in person without even the help of others and when he went out to seek the help of a police officer, he rejected to listen to him, later he saw the lunatics Sikhs being sent from the borders of Pakistan to India. Bishan Singh has no hatred towards India or Pakistan but just wants to find out his place of living, he has to take his decisions wisely, if he entered into India with the other inmates and if he finds out that Toba Tek Singh.   belongs to Pakistan, he has no other option to reach Toba Tek Singh.   instead stuck in India.

Depicting things visually gets us understand things better, I have sketched a Sikh man with turban over his head with the two national flags of India and Pakistan. And the buildings there try to tell us that Bishan Singh is in deep search of Toba Tek Singh.   ,he has nothing to do with discriminating the countries but just wants to find out Toba Tek Singh which is much more needed to him at the moment. There was no way seen before him he just wanted some help, some serious  help, he was hopeless, and not wanted to suffer. He can see two borders in front of him, one on the left and one on the right, and not sure where to go. A blank mind at times makes us wear a mask to our personality because we do not know what we doing and we will be doing is right.

The picture simply depicts which path Bishan Singh has to take, but he fights and yells and stays off both the borders, he thinks that the place he is standing at that moment was Toba Tek Singh.   


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