My friend Toba Tek singh

Name:Nigel Johan Barretto 

Register number :20SJCCC336 


Dear Toba,
I  hope you and your family are doing good. I am writing this letter to inform you that my family and I have reached safely to India. The journey was very hectic but it was definitely worth it as we feel at home here. Everyone has settled in and there is peace after a long struggle.

After coming here things took some time to get used to as it was a completely new experience and we knew nobody here but everyone seem to be really friendly and accommodating so we are getting along with everyone. How's things things there I heard that there are fights and riots still happening so I hope you are not involved in any of these events. Also, I wanted to let u know about an incident which had occurred while we were travelling back, as our journey started we met a old couple who seemed to be really sad and the old woman couldn't seem to control the tears flowing from her eyes. So we decided to pacify her  and spoke to hear. their story was really heart breaking. The partition was the worst possible thing to happen to them now as their daughter had gone against their will and married a Muslim boy and they could not do anything about it, more over she had abandoned them and didn't want to come with them to India seeing that even they didn't want to leave as they would loose everything they had the old man was a poor farmer with a little land and they had no savings to stand by they were just passing their days by producing just enough to sustain themselves and make little money which used to go for  repairs and necessities. When their daughter refused to come with them they decided to also no go but to their unfortunate time they were not allowed to do so they were pressurised to leave the place by the others. With great pain in his heart he sold his land, to his bad luck he was cheated here also not knowing what to do they just took what ever they had and left for the train. this really shook us very deeply. Their melancholy didn't seem to end there as their daughter had not accompanied them and they were all alone. We consoled them and some how managed to feed them a little food as they had not eaten since a long time, but the poor old woman wouldn't stop weeping remembering her daughter. I feel really bad thinking about all the families that would have broken up due to this partition and how many poor people would have lost their life and family members in this process.

I wish you and your family the best of luck and loads of happiness in your life ahead. Please don't forget us and keep in touch. Do visit us sometime we will  be very happy if you can make it here and spend some time with us 

Best wishes 


I chose to write a letter as a creative mode of expression as I feel that I would be able to convey more of my emotions in a more personal form. In my letter I have assumed Toba Tek Singh to be a person who is my friend.The letter is describing how two friends who were split because of the partition but still want to maintain contact as they were pretty close. It also shows the effect of the partition through a small incident which occurs while one of the friend is travelling in a train. 

A creative mode of expression is necessary in Historical reimagination because some of the readers find in boring to read History as it is and end up leaving the story or not liking it as they don't find it interesting or don't understand the hidden meaning behind it.If the reader is attracted and it captures his attention he will for sure finish the entire thing and more than finishing he will gain some knowledge from it 

In this letter I  have Toba Tek Singh to be a person who belongs to Pakistan from before the partition and i have written this letter considering him to be a close friend. When the partition occurred there was was a lot of violence and many people lost their lives and some people lost everything they had. In the letter i have given an example of an old couple who lost everything in the partition including their daughter. The partition was a very horrifying experience as a record showed that 1.3 million Muslims who left western India did not reach Pakistan and an estimate of 0.8 million Hindus and Sikhs who left Pakistan did not reach India. There was a agreement between Pakistan and India that they would return the women they had abducted and raped during the riots. The Indian government claimed that 33000 Hindu and Sikh women were abducted and the Pakistani government claimed that 50000 women were abducted but unfortunately only 12000 women were claimed to be returned to India and only 6000 women were returned to Pakistan. There were many benefits of the partition but it was not all good as some of  the people who wanted to stay where they were but the others forced them to leave.

In the future there could there could be disputes over the distribution of land if the borders are not marked properly. Many people have lost their lives fighting for their land and some people have been rendered homeless because their land was taken away from them and they were not compensated for it or given any other means of lively hoody to sustain themselves as a result it led to a lot of deaths and violence in both the newly formed countries. The government wasn't very strong then so it took a lot of time to get everything under control but till this day fights are happening between both the countries due to a error that occurred during the marking of the  boundaries.

If the partition were not to occur both the countries could have lived together in peace. Instead of splitting the country into two they could have just divided themselves and lived in the same country. Moreover if the country had not split  there wouldn't have been political tension between the two countries. But what's happened has happened and no one can reverse it so we have to learn to adapt and overcome whatever comes our way.   


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